Monday, November 24, 2014

Home For The Holiday's

I am so excited to announce the second giveaway!! 

This weeks prizes will include a copy of this year's, Southern Living Christmas at Home magazine as well as a mixed set of 4 mercury glass ornaments. I hope our feature will inspire you with your holiday decor. I always find new recipes and ideas from the special edition magazines...I hope you will too! 

I love the holiday's. I start in the Fall, by digging out all of my Southern Living magazines, as I am a SL magazine hoarder. It is a sin to throw away one of these in my home, so they go into storage with the seasons. My mother-in-law gave me a subscription over 20-something years ago. I have been a SL junkie every since. I then retreat to one of my happy places and peruse my copies to get inspired. It warms my heart to see notes that I have scribbled, pages that I have dog-eared the corner and some splattered with something yummy from the kitchen. Within each of these things....memories were made, traditions were formed and love was shared. 

We are putting our tree up this week, as all my "peep's" will be home. I love to cook an easy meal that doesn't require a ton of time in the kitchen so we can focus on the holiday fun.  I am smoking an extra bird on the grill so we can have Turkey Enchilada's, which can be pre-made (allowing time for Black Friday shopping), Merry Margarita's and Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie. Recipe links to follow but for now, let's get ready to "deck your hall's"!

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great time especially the chocolate chip skillet cookies!!!!


Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!